For those of us that are aging in place there comes a time that having someone nearby when we’re alone provides both comfort and companionship along with piece of mind. For one of our ABC clients that piece of mind became a life changing moment when Maureen Willard, a homemaker with ABC Home Healthcare realized the woman she was caring for was having a stroke.
When we spoke with Maureen after the event she said, “I remembered the FAST rule from my training. When I saw her (client’s) smile was not normal and noticed her speech was off, I knew I had to act quickly.” Maureen called 911 right away. The doctors credit Maureen’s early recognition of the stroke symptoms and getting help FAST as a key factor in the client’s ability to make a full recovery. The client’s family is so grateful knowing that Maureen saved their mother from potentially severe brain damage.
ABC Home Healthcare offers ongoing training to all their caregivers. We’re so thankful that Maureen recognized the symptoms and took quick action by calling 911.
With a stroke every minute counts. Remember F.A.S.T. and know the signs:
- Face: Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
- Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms evenly. Does one arm drift downward?
- Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Are the words slurred or mixed up?
- Time: If the person shows any of these symptoms, time is important. Call 911 immediately. Brain cells are dying