Protecting yourself from the coronavirus These are challenging times and will continue to be so for the upcoming weeks or even months. The work our team does is of great importance to hundreds of the most vulnerable individuals. We are optimistic that the measures we have put in place will help ensure the health and […]
Coronavirus Testing Scams
BEWARE OF CORONAVIRUS TESTING SCAMS ABC would like to remind all seniors and their families to remain vigilant during this coronavirus frenzy and be aware of scammers and their latest tricks – DO NOT give Medicare or bank card numbers to anyone who offers a coronavirus test. COVID-19 testing must be ordered by a physician […]
Honoring all who served this Veteran’s Day
To the brave men and women that served and still serve our country today to protect our rights and freedom, we honor you today and everyday! For veterans who prefer to age in place, Aid & Attendance benefits can help subsidize home care costs for them and their spouses! Veteran’s Aid & Attendance Benefits can […]
Are You a Scam Victim? Next Steps
Scammed: I didn’t think I’d be a Victim of a Scam We all like to believe we are smart enough to be able to protect ourselves from identity theft and the deceptive practices of scammers. However, the truth of the matter is that, scammers are very cunning. They know how to use technological advances to […]
Safe Seniors: Avoiding Senior Scams
Senior Scams are on the Rise – What to Watch Out For Scams targeting the seniors can occur any time within the course of the year however the following scams appear to be more prevalent during the holiday season: The Grandparent Scam In this scam, a scammer calls a senior pretending to be their grandchild. […]
Find Caregiver Jobs at Home Care Job Fair at Woburn Public Library
Join our Team Helping Keep Seniors Safe at Home ABC Home Healthcare Professionals is hosting a Home Care Job Fair at the Woburn Public Library on Thursday, November 7th from Noon-5PM. We have immediate opportunities in Woburn and the surrounding communities for: Home Health Aides C.N.A.’s Personal Care Aides Homemakers Companions Heavy Cleaning workers Onsite […]