Many factors make wintertime difficult, including the sun setting earlier, gloomy weather, freezing temperatures, and difficulties getting out and about. The “winter blues” are real, and these feelings of sadness and depression can be intensified during the holidays. We assure you that you are not alone if you feel isolated and lonely. The fact is, […]
Medicare Scams
Don’t Fall for Medicare Scams By now you should know we are currently in the open enrollment period for Medicare which lasts until December 7th. It is likely that you have received letters or post cards in the mail from Medicare Advantage companies and even some emails too! With so much buzz around Medicare and […]
Medicare FAQs
“To enroll for Medicare, or not enroll for Medicare: that is the question” …and while we have played on the Hamlet reference here, no, we are no William Shakespeare! However, we ARE here to tell you the basics about Medicare so that you can feel informed when it comes to making this important decision. What […]
Alzheimer’s Disease: Debunking the Myths & Frequently Asked Questions
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia are often used interchangeably but it is important to note that there is a difference. Dementia is an “umbrella” term that describes a wide range of symptoms (such as memory decline, difficulty with critical thinking and problem solving, changes in behavior etc) whereas Alzheimer’s Disease is a specific brain disease marked by symptoms […]
Staff Training
ABC Team Takes Training to the Next Level! We’re delighted to acknowledge and applaud the incredible dedication and effort our team has displayed in their training during the first half of 2023. We want to take a moment to celebrate and thank our fantastic caregiving staff for the impressive investment they’ve made in their training. […]
Hearing Loss
Finding Solutions for Age-Related Hearing Loss According to the National Institute on Aging, roughly one in three older adults experience hearing loss, and this likelihood increases as we age. Factors like prolonged exposure to loud noises, certain health conditions, and family history can all contribute to hearing problems. Some people may not realize their hearing […]