Celebrating World Parkinson’s Day by Spreading Awareness April 11th has been named World Parkinson’s Day whereby scientists, medical professionals, caregivers, clinicians, supporters as well as families and individuals who have been affected by Parkinson’s Disease come together to share their experiences and spread awareness about the disease. Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological condition that […]
Spring planning
Safety & Care Tips For a Healthy You and an Abundant Garden Spring is upon us and if you are one of the many people who take pride in their yards and enjoy gardening, you’ve been looking forward to this for the past couple of months. You are likely itching to get outdoors and do […]
Questions to ask before being discharged
Knowing When the Time is Appropriate to be Discharged from a Hospital or Rehab Patient Safety Awareness Week was established to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety and inspire action to improve the safety of the health care system- for patients and the workforce. This year, Patient Safety Awareness Week falls on […]
5 Steps to Better Nutrition
Nutrition Plays a Key Role in Healthy Living- Especially for Older Adults A balanced diet is critical when it comes to ensuring that your body gets the nutrients that it needs to fun ction at its best. The body requires carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water but the amount that you need changes as […]
Employee Service Awards 2022
You don’t build a business…you build people and then people build the business. – Author Unknown We at ABC Home Healthcare Professionals are incredibly lucky to have the best caregivers in the industry and it is our caregivers who we must thank for helping contribute to all of ABC’s successes. Our organization would not be […]
American Heart Month
Heart-Healthy Tips for Seniors Most people are shocked to hear that heart disease kills more Americans than Cancer, however this is the sad reality. February has been named “American Heart Month”- dedicated to educating the public on the different types of heart disease, symptoms of heart disease and ways to prevent heart disease. Seniors, ages […]